Choose the code you were given. If you have no code choose none.
Treasure Hunt. You see a map with different colored dots. Each dot represents a clue which may or may not lead to the treasure. Choose a dot: a question and answers will appear. Only one anwer is correct. Choose the answer that you think is correct. Choose clues. This is tricky. Some of the questions are difficult and you are allowed to get help. At the end of each 4 questions you will get a code (this is because the game cannot be saved, but with the code you can continue to the next set without repeating). At the end you will get a final code. Not all codes are correct. If you have wrong answers, the code will also be wrong. You can always start over until you find the right answers. Don't give up.
To start choose either Luise's clues or Julius' clues
Find an red dot by a river.
Find a red dot in the grass.
Find a purple dot on an island.
Find a purple dot on stoney ground.
Find a yellow dot in the mountains.
Find a yelow dot in the desert.
Find a red dot in the mountains.
Find a yellow dot in the hills.
Find a purple dot in the mountains.
Find a purple dot in the grass.
Find a yellow dot in the grass.
Find a red dot on stoney ground.
Find a red dot on stoney ground.
Find a purple dot on an island.
Find a yellow dot in the desert.
Find a red dot by a river.
Find a purple dot in the grass.
Find a yellow dot in the mountains.
Find a purple dot in a stoney area.
Find a red dot in the mountains.
Find a red dot in the grass.
Find a purple dot in the mountains.
Ha ha
Find a yellow dot in the hills.
Find a yellow dot in the grass.
Ha ha
Add 8 + 4 + 20 + 49 + 404.

Which words can you find?
Where is Phnom Penn?
What is the next number in this series?
Do Not add them.
Figure out what number would come next after 6.
1 2 3 4 5 6 ? what number comes here?
What is the next number in this series?
Do Not add them.
Figure out what number would come next after 43.
1 4 7 10 13 what number comes here?
where is Sydney?
Who is this?
What is the next number in this series?
Do Not add them.
Figure out what number would come next after 12.
2 4 6 8 10 12 ? what number comes here?
Make an English word out of these letters:
What is this?
Where is Timbuktoo?
You bought 7 eggs. One egg broke. You ate two eggs for breakfast. How many are left?
What is this?
When was this?

What is the next number in this series?
Do Not add them.
Figure out what number would come next after 20.
30 29 27 24 20 ? what number comes here?
When did Julius Caesar defeat Vercingetorix?
What sport is this?

Who is the man on the horse?

What does the yellow area represent?
When were these used?

What is she?